Fury at sex-change programme that shows transgender 'Ben' dressing up as 'Amy' and is aimed at six-year-old children
The new CBBC show 'Just A Girl' features a transgender story line about a school boy who is taking hormone blockers to make it easier to get a sex change surgery later in life. Angry parents have contacted Mumsnet (the UKs most popular parenting website) to express their opposing views about the programme. In addition, Tory MP Peter Bone describes the show as "completely inappropriate" and that he "shares the anger of parents who want to let children be children."
On the other hand, Dr Polly Carmichael, who is a clinical psychologist and specialises in transgender children, told the Mail that raising awareness is a positive step towards challenging stigma and discrimination.
A spokesman for the BBC said "CBBC aims to reflect true life, providing content that mirrors the lives of as many UK children as possible."
In my opinion, as much as I agree that children should be educated about all aspects of life I feel that they are too impressionable to be watching such shows on TV as it is very likely to confuse them and cause further problems. However I understand what the CBBC is attempting to do and I agree that it might produce positive attitudes towards the transgender topic but I think this show is clearly producing more problems. Furthermore, at the end of the day it is the parents' choice what to show their children and I think their opinions should be taken into consideration by the BBC.