Monday, 2 November 2015

Weekly News

I'm guessing this article has caught many people's attention as it is about the very serious disease that causes thousands of people to die every year. This article was written by James Gallagher and Helen Briggs to warn people that processed meats do increase your risk of cancer. WHO is a world health organisation, and its report said "50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon - increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%" This should make people realise how bad processed meat is for them, however it is not saying that everyone should stop eating it because "It does not mean eating a bacon sandwich is as bad as smoking." I think this article is helpful as it should bring more attention to what people eat, and encourage them to have a healthy, balanced diet.


  1. It's great that you have a detailed opinion on the article itself however it would be a whole lot better and thorough if you explained how the different aspects of each the article create an effect or meaning to the target audience (sub-heading, images etc).

  2. Strength: You have explained in detail about the story and why it is important for people to be informed about this sort of thing.

    Improvement: You could put some images that relate to the article.
