Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Movie Comparison

Welcome to the punch & Headhunters comparison

The genre of both of these movies is thriller, this is seen through the use of dark colours, tense music, an antagonist and a series of difficult situations that the protagonists have to try to overcome. Both of these movies try to make the characters relatable to the audience through a theme of insecurities. In Welcome to the punch, the protagonist is unable to achieve things to his full potential due being shot in his leg during a spontaneous decision he made and continues to regret. This creates a sympathetic audience. This is similar in Headhunters as the audience is supposed to feel sympathetic towards the protagonist because he is insecure about his self image and lives in fear of not being good enough; this makes the character relatable to the audience as this is a common insecurity to have. Furthermore, it makes the audience understand some of the reasons for his actions during the movie.

However, I think the characterisation in the movies is different; we find out much more about the protagonist in headhunters than we do in welcome to the punch. This makes the audience more involved in the movie and feel more emotions when things happen to that character. Although both of the movies do represent women under a negative light, in welcome to the punch there are only two female roles and both of them are shown failing, one through death and the other by getting exposed. In headhunters the woman is also represented negatively as she is presented as a gold-digging and selfish female character. In comparison to the male characters in the movies, the females would probably be looked down upon by the audience.

Overall I preferred headhunters because I think the story line was very intriguing and unique, it keeps the audience interested throughout the whole movie. I also think that it is much better in making the audience feel sympathetic towards the protagonist, especially in one of the key scenes in the movie where he has to shave off his hair; this is a visual representation of how quickly his life went down hill. He went from a full set of hair to nothing in just a few days. Additionally, the protagonist went from wearing fancy suits to wearing other people's clothes; this highlights the dramatic turn of events that he has experienced.

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