1831 - The era of electronic inventions: Scientists began working with electronics to make life better. However they knew very little about electricity and how it worked.
1862 - A still picture in transferred: Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented the Pantelegraph. It could transfer an image through wires.
1873 - The transfer of pictures to signals.
1876 - George Carey dreams of a machine that people would use to view pictures.
1880 - Invention of the photophone.
1884 - Paul Nipkow figured out how to send multiple pictures through wires.
1900 - The first "television" was seen at the World Fair in Paris.
1924 - The moving picture is developed by John Baird.
1925 - Television is tested publically.
1928 - First TV station is born "W3XK" owned by Charles Jenkins.
1937 - The first major television network was CBS.
1950 - Colour TV is released to the public.
1956 - Wireless remote.
1969 - The whole world saw Neil Armstrong step onto the moon through their television sets.
1972 - Home Box Office (HBO) became the first pay-tv network in the USA.
1995 to 1997 - DVD.
1997 - The flat screen takes over.
1998 - 2000 - HDTV.
2006 - The UK switch-off of all analogue terrestrial TV broadcasts is scheduled to begin in 2008. And a UK Terrestrial replacement (Freeview) enables analogue television sets to receive programmes.
2010 - 3D TV.
Please be more specific by adding details from 1995 to date. You may need to re map some of these note to UK Television. Focus on depth by using CCCEO.