Sunday, 13 November 2016

Coursework Proposal

For my coursework last year I did a DVD cover and poster. This year I'm going to create a magazine cover and articles which will highlight how women are represented in magazine's and consist of clear magazine conventions. However, I think I'm not going to follow the hyper sexual images of women, instead I will create a magazine cover which focuses on the pure success of women. But I will still use things such as make-up and refer to "tips" for women so that it sticks to my research.

1 comment:

  1. So Jesika, Consider what came out of your research as it has to be linked to your production, if the women are not hypersexualised is one thing but being overly 'made up' does this still not still play into the hands of the stereotypes? Unless it is a make up magazine? Decide on the statements that you want to draw from your research and expand, use at least three key themes from your research. What could they be?
