Sunday, 27 November 2016

My Relationship With Music

Music is a form of escapism for me. I didn't take an interest in it until I started secondary school. Possibly because that's when I started using public transport by myself more regularly meaning music acted as a form of entertainment during my journeys home - as it still does. 
My friends and I tend to like the same sort of music, so when we get together if often plays as background noise.

I fund music has great control over my mood, especially certain songs as they have the power to help you remember memories and take you back to how you were feeling at that moment. The majority of the music I listen to will put me in a better mood. I'd say music has a big impact on my life since I listen to it everyday and go out clubbing etc.
I wouldn't say I have a specific taste in music. If you were to go through my iPod I think it'd be surprising to see such a wide range of music, ranging from Rock, Pop, Dubstep, Grime, Garage etc.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesika for that insight into your relationship with music.
